Our Sales Team

We are one of New Zealand’s largest agricultural dealerships, privately owned and operated with a proud reputation of providing a quality service to our customers. Our knowledgeable, proactive and respected sales team are always available to help maximise your business.


07 827 7159

183 Victoria Road,
Cambridge 3434

Carl Amrein

027 886 4109

Lindsay Ferguson

027 203 5022

Phil Ellison

027 218 0941

Scott Bradley

027 497 9085


07 873 4004

1 Progress Drive,
Ōtorohanga 3900

Graham Anderson

07 873 4004

027 497 9849

Logan Coffey

07 873 4703

027 208 9002

Jimmy Barnes

027 216 1524


07 343 1915

22 Fairy Springs Road,
Rotorua 3015

Graeme Wilson

07 347 0282

027 520 3123

Ryan Turner

027 238 0356


07 376 1132

63 Miro Street
Taupō, 3378

Greig Singer

07 376 1132

027 266 7897

Joshua Blatchford

07 376 1132

027 620 4662